Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Today I went in for my PDT treatment. The whole process was quick and easy.

First, all of the active pimples were extracted and cleaned out with alcohol and then acetone. The main goal was to dry them out, which is normally a bad idea, but for this procedure it was necessary.

After extraction, my face was scrubbed down and the a dead layer of skin was removed through microderm abrasion.

Finally, the Leluvan was applied. It began to sting with the overhead lights coming down, but once they were turned off, it was fine. My doctor likes for the Leluvan to incubate for a whole 24 hours instead of the normal 1-2 hours. He says he sees better results. So, here I am, after being covered in the highest SPF zinc powder, sitting in the dark, away from any windows, with a dimmed computer, TRYING so hard to concentrate on my summer work for my AP Biology class. Tomorrow I'll go back and sit infront of a blue light, yay.

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